Where to find PECCS Courses in 2023?

Brasil: Bruno Pimentel – Mailto:brunojop@yahoo.com.br

Bulgaria: Escana Invest 96 www.eskanainvest96.com

Denmark: Dexblocdexploc.com/en

Estonia: Tallinn University of Technologywww.https://taltech.ee

Finland: Forcit Consultingforcitconsulting.com

France: Thierry Bernard Technologiewww.tbtech.fr/FR/index.html

Germany Dresdner Sprengschule –  www.Sprengschule-Dresden.de

Germany: MSW-Chemie GmbHwww.msw-chemie.de

Italy: Politecnico di Torino www.polito.it

Poland: Association of Polish Shot Engineers (SPIS)

Portugal: University of Coimbrawww.uc.pt/en

Romania: Insemexinsemex.ro

Scandinavia: Forcit Consultingforcitconsulting.com

Spain: EPC Groupees.epc-groupe.com

Sweden: Explosivutbildning ABwww.explosivutbildning.se

United Kingdom: EPC Groupe www.epc-groupe.co.uk

United Kingdom: Minblast lmtd UK www.minblast.com

We are constantly updating the list here, as EFEE is signing new agreements with new educational entities almost every day. Not all the organisations, who have undertaken the materials for courses, are listed here, as they are still preparing or they are not using the material for courses. Please let us know, if someone is missing from this list on info@shotfirer.eu and also, if you wish to become a PECCS Course holder.

The materials are free of charge.